Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Salt Of The Earth & Light Of The World!

The Bible says in Mathew 5: 13, "You are the salt of the earth: but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men."

The metaphor of the word "salt" used here was to describe the character of God's people in being connected with purity, and to indicate their influence for good as they penetrate secular society.

In the old days, a Christian who had been ejected by discipline from the Church was compelled, before he was received back, to lay at the door of the Church and invite people to enter, saying, "Trample upon me who is the salt which has lost its flavor."

Salt has some unique characteristics. Let's take a closer look:

Salt causes thirst...
We make others thirst for the Lord by living His Will.

Salt is a seasoning...
We are to season each other by His Word and our testimonies.

Salt is a preservative...
By doing His Will we save souls because His wish is that none should perish.

Mathew 5: 14 - 16 says, "You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lamp stand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven."

Christianity was meant to be seen...
We shine as reflected light, (His Light), radiating from the presence of Christ within our hearts.

Visible to all men in the World
Attracting them to God...
We are to be a guide for God to others, In Love, to make the way clear as an example or a warning light which is our duty. Praising good and condemning evil.

The bottom line is that Christian uselessness invites disaster. We must be an example of purity. Our conviction should be brought about by loyalty and living for Christ today. We have a choice to either have a positive or negative effect on others today. It is and always will be our responsibility to live in the Truth, as He has instructed us, bringing glory to Him.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Committed Christians - Certainty Of Purpose!

What was the certainty of purpose that propelled the early Church into action?

Let's look back for a moment -

The Crucifiction

.....To the disciples it seemed as if everything was over. They felt helpless as they stood off at a distance and watched Jesus, the light of their world, fading before their eyes. As He was being nailed to the Cross, all of their hopes and dreams were being nailed to it also. Their reason for living hung before them bleeding and dying. Looking at the blood-stained body of Jesus, the disciples shook their heads in dismay. This was the man that they had seen give sight to the blind, open deaf ears, cast away demons, and feed thousands with a few loaves of bread, and fish. This was the man who spoke into the darkness of a tomb and called a dead man back to life. This man who was now on a Cross, laboring to breathe.

Can you picture the despair that was on the faces of all the disciples, not to mention in their minds, envisioning danger, capture, and the end of a dream?

In those dark hours, they forgot the promise of Jesus.
The promise to rise again on the third day.

.....Their moment of darkness could have been an occasion for expectancy. Had they focused on the promise instead of the problem, they would have known much sooner that it was not the end, but the beginning.

.....In John 20: 1-8, the Gospel proclaims, "Jesus was resurrected. The tomb was empty. Tribulation was turned into triumph. Jesus was alive." A new beginning had dawned out of the darkness. God's grace shined for all of mankind. He showed us that even when things looked dark, and it seems nothing can be done, that is when your faith should be strongest. To God, your dark tomb of tribulation is just the fertile ground from which He will resurrect your deliverance. The instant you exercise your faith in His Divine Power, your tribulations turn into triumphs. In our hour of despair and darkness, we are to take our eyes off our problems, and turn them toward Jesus, the Light of the World.

.....Christ's resurrection provided His shaken disciples with a solid foundation of hope. His empty tomb gave new life and meaning to the disciples. It strengthened their shaky structure of faith, and gave them all something to live for, and die for. They were no longer afraid. The resurrection of their master turned their certain break-up into a breakthrough of certainty. Each one of them became a man of great faith and action.

....Then on the day of Pentecost, these men and 108 others, emerged from the upper room, and possessed a certainty of purpose. No longer did these disciples cower behind locked doors and deny involvement in the cause. They had a sure foundation of faith, and the power of the Holy Spirit as their guide and comforter. These 12 men allowed no hardship, no tribulation, no threat of death, to hinder them from proclaiming "Truth," Jesus Christ as Savior, Lord, and coming King. Despite every test, and torture, these men remained constant in their resolve. They kept their feet firmly planted in the Word, and their eyes fixed on the prize. From that point in their lives, they preached the Gospel with boldness, having the authority given to them by God through the revelation of what truly happened and what they witnessed, even unto death.

James, the brother of John, "The Revelator," was so adamant of his faith in Christ he was beheaded.

Thomas, the one who believed only after seeing the nail scares of Jesus with his own eyes, proclaimed the Gospel throughout Persia, and took the message of Christ eastward to India. There he declared his faith openly, up until the very day he was slain with a short spear.

Simon, The brother of Jude and James, was a dynamic witness for the Son of God, and was crucified in Egypt.

Simon, called Zelotes, preached throughout Africa, and also was crucified.

Mark, taught about Jesus throughout Egypt, and during the terrible reign of Trajan the Emperor, the evangelist was dragged by ropes into a fire, and left there to burn.

Bartholomew, missionary to India, later went to Armenia and withstood numerous persecutions. He was finally beaten mercilessly with sticks, then crucified. And afterward, beheaded.

Andrew, the brother of Peter, proclaimed the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ for about 50 years. He brought many to the understanding of salvation. He confronted the Governor of a large territory in what is now known as Ethiopia for worshiping idols, boldly declaring the Son of God. The Governor became afraid of Andrew's growing influence and ordered the disciple to be, "fastened to the cross with all speed."

Mathew, wrote a New Testament Book and taught against pagan practices in Ethiopia, and Egypt, leading many to salvation, when King Hircanus, the ruler of the area, sent a servant to him and ran him through with a spear.

Phillip, fearlessly declared the teachings of Jesus throughout the nations of the Middle East. And after persevering through many trials, he was crucified and stoned until dead.

James, Governor of the early Church, he persuaded both Jews and Gentiles that Jesus was the promise Messiah. He was killed by the Scribes, and Pharisees, and buried where he fell.

Peter, traveled the World testifying of the saving power of Jesus Christ. Facing a multitude of adversity, including scourging, imprisonment, and trials before Kings. Peter suffered the agonizing torment of death on an upside down cross.

John, Author of "The Revelation of Jesus Christ," live to be 100. Dedicated his entire life to Christ and the administering of His Church. Was banished to a life in prison by the Emperor Domitian on the Island of "Patmos," which means My Killing.

.....All of these brave, and dedicated men of God were committed, excited, and sure of their faith. And that is why miracles followed them. They built up the Church of Jesus Christ, and courageously looked death in the face, proclaiming the Gospel with a certainty of purpose. These first Christians were committed to seeing lives transformed by the power of God, despite the personal dangers.

.....God is looking for committed Christians today who are certain of their convictions, and willing, without hesitation, to stand up for their beliefs. He is looking for those that have the tenacity to stand their ground, no matter whose toes they have to step on. The example committed Christians set during adversity today will drive men to either get right with God, or get left behind. The Word is our responsibility. Our response to God's Ability. Tribulation helps us to learn not only of God, and from God, but also enables us to teach others about God, so that many will be drawn to God. Adversity makes the strong stronger, and the weak weaker. Are you ready? Are you committed to Christ? Are you ready and willing to go out into the World and rescue the hurting, the dying, the lost? Let us take our cue from the 12 disciples. If you do not stand for something, you will fall for anything.

Like those who have gone before us, if we are to survive the heat, we must be prepared to walk through the fire, for Christ, and acquire God's special mark of "Certainty."

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Basic Insights On Knowing God's Will!

God's Will Involves People

God so loved a world full of people that he gave His Son...
It's all too easy for us to become more concerned about things than people today.
If this happens we will always miss the real joy of knowing God's will.

Knowing Basic Needs Removes Fear Of People

Many people have a fear of talking to others.
There is a way of overcoming this fear.
If we were walking down a neighborhood street and happened to see a gathering of people sitting the porch in front of their house, many of us would probably experience a certain fear about the idea of saying hello, concerned with intruding upon their gathering.

However, if we were to see that the roof of their home was on fire, we would overcome our fear instantly. We would be sure that the message we had to give them was one of great importance and one which they needed to hear. We would be quite confident that they would immediately recognize the importance of our message.

So what is our problem with sharing our Christianity with them and others?

1John 4: 17-18 says, "Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness...
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear."

God Has A Special Concern For Christians

It is quite easy for us to become spiritually discouraged with the spiritual immaturity of some Christians today, and decide that we will not bother with them, but instead will concentrate on only reaching those who are not saved or heard the Gospel.

It is important for us to proclaim the Gospel to those who have never heard. But when there are already Christians in the area, it is also important to bring them up to their full maturity in Christ. If we don't do this, their immaturity will cause others to stumble, and we will know how to solve similar immaturity in those we lead to Christ.

This is the main reason we are able to "Do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household faith."
Galatians 6: 10

In determining God's will for our lives, one of the most important questions we must ask ourselves is: "How can I help the Christians around me to mature and by doing so, beautify the Body of Christ?"

We Are To Assume Responsibility For The Reputation Of Our Lord Jesus Christ

When one member of the Body of Christ sins, (Missing the mark), or displays spiritual immaturity, the reputation of Christ is damaged and the whole Body of Christ suffers. When David sinned with Bathsheba, in 2Samuel 12: 14, Nathan the Prophet stated, "... by this deed thou has given great occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme..."

Because of this, Hebrews 3: 13 says, we are to "exhort one another daily... lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin." Just as the corpuscles in our blood surround a wound in the skin, laying down their own life and dieing, in order to stop the infection from spreading, we too are to "lay down our own lives for the brethren." 1John 3: 16

Three Types Of Christians Exist In Most Church Groups

When I had the privilege of working directly with a few churches and youth groups, I could always expect to find three types of Christians: Those that were cold, those that were spiritually hot, and those that were in between.

I soon learned why the in between or "lukewarm" Christians were and are nauseating to God.

Revelation 3: 15-17 says, "I know thy works, that thou are neither cold nor hot: I would rather see that you were cold or hot. So then because thou are lukewarm, and neither cold or hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have no need of nothing , and knowest not that thou are wretched and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.

Cold Christians needs are fulfilled from the world and all it has to offer. They view lukewarm Christians as having no difference between them. The reason is "No Conviction." Their thoughts are, "He is closer to God than I am, but He does the same things I do!"

While cold Christians see the difference between them and the hot Christians. They can see that their needs are focused and centered around Christ. They can see the "Conviction" by which they live. Their thoughts are, "His life is so different from mine. I want to know what he is doing differently than me, maybe I had better start doing something about it."

2Chronicles 7: 14 says, "If my people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

"For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God." 1Peter 4: 17

God's Will Involves Leading Those For Whom We Are Responsible To Spiritual Maturity

When we determine which individuals are under our spiritual care and purpose to give ourselves to the high calling of leading them to spiritual maturity, we have established the basis for a fulfilling ministry in our lives. Then, as God allows us to experience death to our natural inclinations, we will discover His way of responding to life's situations. We are then... "able to comfort others who are in trouble, by the comfort where with we ourselves are comforted by God." 2Corinthians 1: 4

We Are Responsible To Deepen Our Message.
God Is Responsible To Broaden Our Ministry.

We are prone to be concerned with how many people we are reaching with the Gospel. But God is only concerned that we bring those we reach to spiritual maturity. Colossians 1: 28 says, "Those who become mature are then able to reproduce the life and character of Christ in others as well."

God's Will Involves The Message We Develop More Than The Job We Are Doing

As each one of us dies to the natural inclinations of our old ways, which were contrary to the Word of God, and as we experience the life of Christ by applying the principles of His Word to our daily lives, we build a "Life Message."

God desires that each one of us becomes a "Living Epistle." 2Corinthians 3: 2
As we do, we will experience more and more joy. Proverbs 15: 23

God has chosen us and ordained us that we should go and bring forth fruit, and that our fruit should remain. John 15: 16

2Peter 1: 4 says, "God has given unto us exceeding great and precious promises, that by these we might be partakers of His divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in this world."

May this help you on your journey today!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Grace And Sin!

Psalm 19: 12-14 mentions three kinds of sin - Errors, Hidden Faults, and Willful Sins.

Errors - sins we commit and are not aware of. David said, "Who can discern (one's) errors?" We can commit error-sins for years as a Christian and not be aware of them, unless someone courageously and lovingly points them out.

Hidden Faults - sins we commit that we are aware of, but try to hide, hoping nobody catches on. David prayed often to God, "Forgive my hidden faults."

Willful Sins - Attitudes, thoughts, words, and actions that we know are wrong, and yet we do them anyway. David asked God, "Keep your servant also from willful sins."

But let us note that there is something encouraging here also. Though David knows he is a sinner, he is also still God's servant.

Even willful sin does not exclude us from God's Love.
God's Grace never gives up on us!

"Where sin increased, grace increased all the more." - Romans 5:20

Despite our sin, we are God's servant, not because of what we have done, are doing, or ever will do, but because of whom we believe in...

Christ, and the Finished Work Of The Cross.

Maybe that is why David asked God, "May my sins not rule over me." He knew God's servants should only have one ruler - and it ought not to be willful sin. He knew he was not perfect.

So David prays, as a humble man, "May the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight." And to whom does he make that request? " O Lord, My Rock, and My Redeemer."

These inner struggles are what make us alive today. These same struggles were shared by Jacob when he wrestled with God as in Genesis 32:28. Every God-believer is a God-struggler. Struggling with God is not a sign of unbelief or weak faith. It is a sign of an honest relationship, and even strong faith. Those who have no faith, have no need of grace, and no need to struggle with God. But all who have faith, struggle with God and the grace, and unmerited favor which He gives to us because of the imperfections we see in ourselves. Sometimes it is with a great ferocity, and other times it is a lesser intensity. He actually likes us to struggle with Him, because it always brings about change in our lives. Struggling with God shows that we take Him seriously to the Truth that He reveals to us in our lives each day as we journey forward, renewing our minds to what is true of us. Transforming us more and more into His image and likeness for the world to see. God's Grace is always more than enough to help us in our struggles with sin, strengthening us in our faith, showing us that He has everything we need in this life and journey today. Our true freedom and change comes through accepting His Grace, through His Son, Jesus Christ, and all that He has done to allow us to have that relationship again today.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Choose You This Day!

God is beginning a process of calling the world into a
relationship with Him concerning the finality of His Kingdom,
establishing itself on this Earth. Everyone who seeks to live through
the end times of great tribulation and live on into a new world,
where God’s Kingdom reigns, will have to choose for themselves if
they will receive God’s truth, or stubbornly hold onto traditional
beliefs that are fables. It is a choice, but one that will not be up for
debate with God.

People must repent of their wrong ways and receive God’s way
of life, or they will simply be erased from the earth at this time. The
way of greatest hope (because there is still no guarantee to survive)
is to repent of error and receive what it true. That is the right thing
to do, no matter what the immediate outcome. If we do not receive
such favor immediately, then it will come when we are resurrected
to life once more. However, your best hope, concerning your own
life now and the lives of those that you love, is that you repent
speedily and pour out yourself to God, seeking His guidance,
forgiveness, favor, and every day help and intervention in life.

As God reveals truth to you, a decision each time will have to be
made in your life. You will repent of your wrong ways and receive
the truth with gladness, or reject it. Will you accept what is true?
Will you embrace the light that removes the darkness in you
and from you, or will you continue to resist God and hold to false
ways, like the world has done for so long a time?

For now, what will you choose? It really is a simple choice.
This is where you must begin. It will not be easy. It was not easy for
all those who lived during the past 6,000 years and who chose to
follow the true ways of God. It was hard because of the
resistance, the mocking and oppression that came from others
who hated such ideas and beliefs. It will be the same for you.

These Blogs are written to give you the tools and means whereby
you can find answers to what is coming on this Earth, so that you
might have some opportunity to share in what lies just beyond the
end-time tribulation. God is bringing His worldwide ruling
Kingdom to the Earth. All who live on into it will be able to become
a part of His Church. It will be the only Church on earth.
No other religion will exist that can hurt and deceive mankind any
more. It will be “One Church.” There is only one Church anyway,
but in that new world it will be manifested throughout
all the world!

Do you grasp what God may be offering you? What will it take
to bring you to your knees? If death comes, your choice ends. If you
live, how long will it be before you will repent and accept the truth
you are reading? ...You are about to find out, one way or the

God’s desire for mankind is that he repent—that his heart be
changed to receive the kind of heart that the faithful fathers of
old—Abraham, Isaac and Jacob—possessed. But the history of man
is that he rejects such a heart. God has long expressed His desire
for man to change and receive His ways, that he might live life
to the full. It has been expressed in many ways and at many times.

God is going to bring down all nations. All governments of man will be
brought to an end. God will gather all people into a single
kingdom—His Kingdom over the whole earth. In the end-time, God
will destroy all religions, idols, and false gods, including the false
ways of what is called Christianity. Then God’s Kingdom will
begin to reign, and God will pour out His Spirit on all mankind.
God must bring down all nations from their haughtiness and
pride—humble them—so they can receive a new heart and spirit.

God’s final judgment will indeed be righteous and just.

Freedom In Christ Ministries

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