.....We as Christians today are called to the order of the Melchizedek Priesthood, in Hebrews 7. A Kingdom consisting of Righteousness, (right standing with God) and Peace, (reconciliation with God). We have been born again, having no father, mother, earthly heritage, or genealogy. A new birth in Christ, having no beginning of days nor end of life. No longer based on the Law of fleshly or carnal commandments, but according to the power of an endless life, Eternal Life. This is accomplished by an anulling of the former commandments through a supreme sacrifice, and a bringing in of a better hope, which is Christ. He alone is the surety of a better Covenant made by the Finished Work of the Cross, establishing better promises, through which we draw near to God. This hope (Christ) is set before us and is an anchor of the soul which allows us the presence behind the veil. Jesus is the forerunner to which more will follow through His appearing in us. This is the true tabernacle, or dwelling place which God originally erected, through His Son. The New Jerusalem will be raised and manifest itself in a people, not a place today.
.....Some of the characteristics of the Royal Priesthood manifesting itself are listed below...
They bear God's mark.
They hear what God is saying and pursue it.
They don't praise their praise.
They don't revel in their Revelation.
They are not possessed by their possessions.
Their speech is different.
They are more interested in Christ and in God, than a move of God.
When God moves, they don't just see the move, they are in it because they are in Him.
Their wrestling with God becomes realization through the Wisdom, Revelation, and Knowledge of the Finished Work of the Cross, and the result is rest as they realize their place in Him.
.....This ultimately gives us a true understanding through a relationship with our Heavenly Father, and leads to a freedom to walk in the Spirit, producing an alternative way of thinking, and a clear sounding word, by a renewing of the mind. We need to realize that we are Ambassadors for Christ, representing His Kingdom being established on this earth, through the Power and Authority given to us in the Name of Jesus, the Name above all names.
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