Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Melchizedek Priesthood

.....We as Christians today are called to the order of the Melchizedek Priesthood, in Hebrews 7. A Kingdom consisting of Righteousness, (right standing with God) and Peace, (reconciliation with God). We have been born again, having no father, mother, earthly heritage, or genealogy. A new birth in Christ, having no beginning of days nor end of life. No longer based on the Law of fleshly or carnal commandments, but according to the power of an endless life, Eternal Life. This is accomplished by an anulling of the former commandments through a supreme sacrifice, and a bringing in of a better hope, which is Christ. He alone is the surety of a better Covenant made by the Finished Work of the Cross, establishing better promises, through which we draw near to God. This hope (Christ) is set before us and is an anchor of the soul which allows us the presence behind the veil. Jesus is the forerunner to which more will follow through His appearing in us. This is the true tabernacle, or dwelling place which God originally erected, through His Son. The New Jerusalem will be raised and manifest itself in a people, not a place today.

.....Some of the characteristics of the Royal Priesthood manifesting itself are listed below...

They bear God's mark.

They hear what God is saying and pursue it.

They don't praise their praise.

They don't revel in their Revelation.

They are not possessed by their possessions.

Their speech is different.

They are more interested in Christ and in God, than a move of God.

When God moves, they don't just see the move, they are in it because they are in Him.

Their wrestling with God becomes realization through the Wisdom, Revelation, and Knowledge of the Finished Work of the Cross, and the result is rest as they realize their place in Him.

.....This ultimately gives us a true understanding through a relationship with our Heavenly Father, and leads to a freedom to walk in the Spirit, producing an alternative way of thinking, and a clear sounding word, by a renewing of the mind. We need to realize that we are Ambassadors for Christ, representing His Kingdom being established on this earth, through the Power and Authority given to us in the Name of Jesus, the Name above all names.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Water Turned To Wine

.....I would like to reveal some spiritual truths from this physical picture that is represented in this passage of scripture in John 2: 1 - 11. On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Now both Jesus and His disciples were invited to the wedding. And when they ran out of wine, the mother of Jesus said to Him, "They have no wine." Jesus said to her, "Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come." His mother said to the servants, "Whatever He says to you, do it." Now there were set there six water-pots of stone, according to the manner of purification of the Jews, containing 20 or 30 gallons apiece. Jesus said to them, "Fill the water-pots with water." And they filled them up to the brim. And He said to them, "Draw some out now, and take it to the master of the feast." And they took it. When the master of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and did not know where it came from (but the servants who had drawn the water knew), the master of the feast called the bridegroom. And said to him, "Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, and when the guests have well drunk, then the inferior. You have kept the good wine until now!" This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory; and His disciples believed in Him.

.....All throughout scripture, Christ is either concealed or revealed in pictures, shadows, or types. Let's first note that Jesus was at a wedding. A celebration of a covenant ceremony being established between a bride and a groom. The two becoming one before God, an example of man's soul in union with man's spirit. It was not His wedding, for He says, "My time has not yet come."

.....Jesus spoke to His mother as a woman and referring in type to the soul -- mind, will, and emotions. When the soul decides to accept whatever Jesus (the Truth) has to say and do in faith and obedience, to the Word of God, (which is the water), the miracle then takes place. This is represented by the water being poured into the 6 stone vessels, ( 6 being the number of man, stone represents man under the Law, and the vessels which represents the place of which the treasure is to be stored). The miracle is the wine, (which is the joy), that is produced from the revelation of what is true of it.

.....Jesus could have supplied more wine in any number of ways, but it was done this way for the spiritual lessons to be drawn out of this passage of scriptures. He also could just as easily filled the pots Himself, yet He chose servants to share in the work and also share in the blessing of this miracle. The same way He used to disciples back then, and the same way He uses us today. What a great God we serve! The servants, those that were under the direction and submission of Jesus, were in a unique place of blessing for this miracle. Jesus is always looking for the cooperation of men to work His miracles through.

.....The miracle came about because of the servant's obedience to Jesus, obeying the Word without question or dought. They filled the pots to the brim, and by doing so the miracle was fullfilled in the greatest measure possible. The servants then placed their faith in Jesus by drawing some of the contents out of the pots and presenting it to the master of the feast, who would represent God for us today.

.....This passage is actually a spiritual lesson revealing the miracle of conversion, from the old ways under the of Law, ceremony, and purification to a new life with Jesus. We can draw 3 spiritual truths from this passage...

Wine came after the water, just as the new covenant came after the old covenant.

Wine was from water, just as the new covenant is from the old covenant.

The wine was better than the previous wine, just as the new covenant is better than the old covenant.

.....In closing, we were given a hint from John that Jesus' glory would show forth on the third day, (the Resurrection of Christ). And His disciples would believe in Him when they had seen His glory. The disciples of course believed before, but after the Resurrection, their belief would be deepened. This is also true in our own lives, every time God does something great in our lives, we believe in Him all over again and our relationship and beliefs are deepened through the Revelation, Wisdom, and Knowledge of Christ.

Thursday, December 11, 2008



.....The primary objective of Freedom In Christ Ministries, Inc. is to create a Faith-based program that is specifically designed to support exceptionally innovative, original and/or unconventional research with the potential to create new or challenge existing scientific paradigms. The Ministry’s goal is to create a National, and then an International program, using this one as the model to pilot others by which to impact the Nation and the World in its unique approaches.

.....Our Ministry clearly articulates all of these issues:

(1) The fundamental issues of behavioral change and its overarching importance to the biomedical/behavioral enterprise.
(2) The development of this program will either establish new or disrupt existing paradigms.

(3) Propose rationale approaches that significantly differ from state of the art in the field.

.....This Christian Discipleship Program is designed to provide a more flexible and engaging avenue for support of investigators, proving this concept, and implementing truly transformative ideas, creating a Complete Program, consisting of True Behavioral Change.

.....The Christian Discipleship Program will reflect ideas substantially different from mainstream concepts being pursued in the investigator’s laboratory or elsewhere.

Project: F.R.E.E.D.O.M. – Fully Renouncing Every Dominion Over Man

Understanding and Facilitating Human Behavior Change

.....Behavior change is critical to the prevention, management, and treatment of many important health conditions. However, the initiation and maintenance of behavior change can be very difficult, and even those interventions that succeed in controlled clinical trials do not always scale well. Transformative advances in the science of behavior change, especially those that can unify disease-specific efforts, are urgently needed. In response to this challenge, Freedom In Christ Ministries, Inc. proposes a complete program and working model in the understanding of basic mechanisms of behavior change at the biological, behavioral and social levels and developing innovative approaches to the prevention, intervention, and treatment of some major societal problems,- drugs, alcohol, crime, prostitution, depression, homelessness, and poverty. To date, the ministry has taken the time to develop from the gathering of research, and the collection of data over the years to create a new and innovative way to deal with these issues. This Faith-based ministry has gone to great lengths to assess the project, mission, and goals of addressing Life-controlling issues, and also develop a forward an exciting way to reach out to our community at-large through our services.

Monday, December 8, 2008


.....Our natural body was dead spiritually. Sown in it was corruption, dishonor, and weakness. We were made of dust, and under it a force of sin, in which the result or penalty was death. No life was able to be produced from this seed planted within us, through the separation between us and God. The seed of death produced death, that of its own kind. But through the perfect death, The Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Jesus, we have another seed planted within us, today. A seed containing Incorruption, Glory, and Power. A spiritual seed, producing a spiritual body from a Life-giving Spirit. The nature of this seed is to bear the image of the heavenly man, Christ in us. This is not task, although we labor in the Word of God, tending to the seed, watering, weeding, pruning it as it produces a life that it was designed to do. Seeing that in the Seed's Death, Christ Life is produced and the harvest of the fruit is inevitable for which the seed was designed, producing good fruit. Opening up our minds by Faith to see who we really are and what we are, maturing, and growing up to be. The whole process starts from the inside out. First the spirit, then the soul, and then the body, each part giving itself up to a death process to produce the Resurrection Life of which the seed was designed to do. Forming the Body of Christ. Eventually the corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality, resulting in the destruction of physical death itself. A true picture and manifestation of the Transfiguration. Seeing ourselves dead to sin and alive in Christ through a Revelation of the Finished Work of the Cross.


.....The passage of scripture in John 11: 1-44, is the story about Lazarus being raised from the dead. It also contains the shortest verse in the whole Bible, John 11: 35, "Jesus wept." May I share with you today a little bit of Revelation received from God through my personal studies about why Jesus wept.

.....One of Jesus' best friends, Lazarus, was sick. Mary and Martha sent someone to go and find Jesus. Yet when Jesus heard the news, He remained where he was for two extra days before coming. He told his disciples, (John 11: 4) "This sickness is not unto death, but for the Glory of God, that the Son of God maybe Glorified through it." The story was an example of God's Divine Sovereignty in the midst of human suffering demonstrating His Purpose and Grace through His Son Jesus. Jesus explained in John 11: 9 - 10 that His orders came from His Father and His relationship with His Father determined His actions. He went on to explain to the disciples in John 11: 11, that Lazarus, His friend, was only asleep and He would go and wake him. Lazarus represents the Church today, not dead but asleep, needing a Revelation of Jesus to awaken them today. Jesus finally arrived in Bethany and Lazarus had now been inthe tomb for 4 days. At this point, Martha and Mary both confronted Him when He showed up and each said, "Lord, if You had only been here, my brother would not have died. Jesus told them that their brother would rise again, but they did not understand what He meant by this. So He tried to explain to them further in John 11: 25 - 26, saying, "I am the Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me, shall never die." Then He asked Martha if she believed this, and she said in John 11: 27, "Yes, Lord, I believe You are the Christ, the Son of God, who is to come into the world. Jesus then groaned in the Spirit and was troubled when He saw Mary and the Jews that were with her crying. He asked them where they had laid him. And then He wept.

.....My question today is why did Jesus weep and who did He weep for?

.....He could not have been weeping for Lazarus, for three reasons:

.....1. Lazarus was asleep.

.....2. This sickness was not unto death, but for the Glory of God, so that the Son of God maybe Glorified through it.

.....3. Whoever believes in Me shall never die, he shall live.

.....You see at this point it struck me why He wept, and who He wept for. Jesus was weeping for Mary, Martha, and all the Jews (the people), not for Lazarus. Follow me back in time for moment.

.....In 2 Peter 3: 8 its says, "One day with the Lord is as 1000 years, and 1000 years is as one day." From the time of Adam and Eve in the Garden and their fall, to the fulfillment of all the Prophecies of the Messiah coming was 4000 years. Hence, the reason Jesus waited 4 days to go and see Lazarus. Lazarus in a way represented all of Mankind, God's creation that was in a fallen state, sick, dying under the curse, and separated from God, because of the force of Sin being released upon the Earth.

.....So here was the Messiah, the Christ, who came into this world to make things right again, and reconcile man back to God, fulfilling the Law, standing there before them and yet they still doubted and could not believe. This is truly why He wept. Jesus had been with Mary, Martha, the Disciples, and the Jews at this point for a few years, doing many miracles before them and shared many things with them and yet they still could not understand. You see, in the presence of the Messiah the Law is fulfilled, the curse is reversed, and death had no power or right to hold Lazarus in the tomb. Jesus was trying to show them it was only temporal and not eternal upon the completion of the Finished Work of the Cross.

.....In John 11: 38 Jesus went to the tomb and a stone was laying against it. The stone represented an obstacle, the bondage, those things that stand in our way to believing in the Word of God. Jesus told them to remove the stone. Yet they questioned Jesus saying, "Lord, by this time there is a stench, for Lazarus has been dead for 4 days." Jesus then asked them about their Faith in John 11: 40 when He said, "Did I not say to you that if you believe you would see Glory of God? (Life in Christ- F.R.E.E.D.O.M.-Fully Renouncing Every Evil Dominion Over Man.) They then removed the stone. Jesus then lifted up His eyes and said, "Father, I thank You that You have heard Me. And I know that You always hear Me, but because of the people who are standing here before Me, I have said this, that they may believe that You sent Me." Jesus then cried out with a loud voice, "Lazarus, come forth!" Showing that the Messiah, and the Word of God spoken, brings forth Life. Lazarus then came out, bound hand and foot with grave clothes, and his face was wrapped with a cloth. (Walking toward the Light, The Truth, Taking little steps.) Jesus said to those around him, "Loose him, and let him go." Signifying that those around him, now believers from seeing the Miracle, had a part in helping to set the captives free. This is the responsibility of the Church today. The Body of Christ.
.......................Whom the Son Sets Free, is Free Indeed!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Three "Wise" Men

.....With Christmas coming, we are all going to hear the story about of the three wise men. I asked God to show me why he called the men "Wise". So I wish to share it with you this Christmas as we celebrate the true meaning of the Holiday, and that is the birth of Jesus.

.....Matthew 2: 2-12..." Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, saying, "Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and come to worship Him." When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he inquired of them where the Christ was to be born. So then they said to him, "In Bethlehem of Judea, for thus it is written by the prophet: "But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, Are not the least among the rulers of Judah; For out of you shall come a Ruler who will shepherd My people Israel." Then Herod, when he had secretly called the wise men, determine from them what time the star appeared. And he sent them to Bethlehem and said, "Go and search carefully for the young Child, and when you have found Him, bring back word to me, that I may come and worship Him also." When they heard the king, they departed; and behold, the star which they had seen in the East went before them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy. And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: (Caspar gave) Gold, (Melchior gave) Frankincense, and (Balthasar gave) Myrrh. Then, being divinely warned in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed for their own country another way."

.....From this passage I would like you to notice that there are three different groups or types of men to be found in regard to Jesus. There are the Herod's, they are the ones of hatred and hostility and would forever be interfering with His life. There are the chief priests and scribes, the ones whose reaction would be of complete indifference, engrossed in their rituals, legalistic ways and discussions, completely disregarding Jesus. And there are the wise men, those whose reaction would be of adoring and worshiping, having a true and pure desire to lay their noble gifts at the feet of Jesus.

.....Let's concentrate on why God called the three men wise. First of all, these men were Astrologers and able to interpret through the Holy Spirit the star which was a sign to the birth of the "King of the Jews," Jesus. Melchior meant "Treasurer", Caspar meant "Visitor from the East", and Balthasar meant " All Praise." Imagine, visitors from the East bringing treasures and praise to a new king. The unique thing about these men is that they were continually looking up to the heavens, and God revealed Himself to them. (A message of that in itself could mean alot to us in our own lives. If we would just quit looking around ourselves at all of our circumstances and just look up and focus on Him, and the Joy that it would bring.) They then set aside everything in their life to go and pay homage to this great and joyous occasion. So they followed the star which led them to the New and True King, bringing with them each a unique gift, Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh.

.....The gifts the wise men laid at the cradle of Christ fortold that who He was to be, and each represented something very special about Jesus' life. Gold was the gift for a king. King of metals and fit for a king, a gift that men presented to kings. Jesus was to reign, not by force, but by love. He was to rule over men's hearts, not from a throne, but from a Cross. The King of kings. Frankincense was the gift for a priest. It was used in the temple and at the temple sacrifices. Jesus was to be the priest or go-between between God and men, opening the way to God for men. The last gift was Myrrh, which was a burial spice used to embalm the bodies of the dead, and was given for one that was to die. So in a way prophetically speaking, the gifts each represented the true callings on Jesus' life. The True King. the Perfect High Priest, and in the end, the Supreme Sacrifice and Savior of men.

.....And that's why the three men were called wise in God's eyes. Jesus came into the world to live for men and also to die for men. These wise men had received a Revelation of the Christ from God through the Holy Spirit, through a relationship with the Lord. May you share this with others this Holiday Season, and have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Paul's Thorn

.....Have you ever wondered what Paul's thorn was, or why he had it. I've been meditating on this in my personal studies and would like to share it with you today. Let's start by looking at the Scriptures. 2 Corinthians 12:7 says "And lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of Revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me (an assault of the enemy). Concerning this, I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me. And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in the infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ's sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong."

.....The communication Paul had with God in this instance was an expression denoting fear. An intense wearying, difficulty, or affliction that bothered him enough to ask God for help. God was overseeing the entire process. So that Paul would forever rely on God and not think of himself as a god from the Revelations he was receiving. The thorn represented the curse noted in Genesis 3:18. This is also revealed in Isaiah 55:12-13 and says "For you shall go out with joy and be led out with peace, (God's Joy and Peace). The mountains and the hills ( those things that stand in your way, obstacles), shall break forth into singing (the Joy of the Lord) before you, and all the trees (men) of the field (where the Harvest is) shall clapped their hands (Praise God). Instead of the thorn shall come up the cypress tree, and instead of the briar shall come up the myrtle tree (strong men of God, out of the curse, bearing good fruit); and it shall be to the Lord for a name (Jesus), an everlasting sign it shall not be cut off." This symbolically depicts creations (man's) joy at God's redemptive work, the reign of Christ, in Luke 2:13-14, and creation itself being delivered from the bondage of corruption in Romans 8:21.

.....The thorn ultimately served a good purpose, teaching Paul of the overcoming grace, (unmerited favor), of God which was always enough in his own weakness. Note that God did not remove the thorn or indicate that He was upset at Paul for asking and pleading for its removal. God actually responded differently than that in which Paul prayed and expected. Paul ultimately realized that whenever Satan buffets him, either directly as a destructive adversary or indirectly as God's controlled agent, (as with Job) it was always to bring about character development. God's character. That is why all things work for the good of God.

.....So Paul boasted in his infirmities because of the grace in which he received through the understanding of the Finished Work of the Cross, (Christ). God's strength was sufficient enough to enable him to continue in his Apostolic ministry and calling. Nothing could or would stop him to cease serving God. And that is why he was able to take pleasure when he felt personally weak. He had a Revelation that he was strong in Christ.

.....Proverbs 22:5 says "Thorns and snares are in a way of the perverse; but he who guards his soul (mind, will, and emotions,) will be far from them." Life is always in inner battle within the soul. A constant conflict between the demands of passion and the control of reason. I am dead but Christ lives in me. I must renew my mind through the Word of God to the Truth. Bringing about inner perfection, (Salvation of the Soul) and victory. This must be done by relationship not religion.

.....In John 19:2 its says "The soldiers twisted a crown of thorns and put it on His (Jesus') head." We know from earlier Scriptures that the thorns represented the curse. And it being placed on his head represents the war that encompasses the mind (the battle within). Jesus took those things that we war against in our minds to the Cross and replaced it with Peace. In John 14:27 its says "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you; not as a world gives (a false sense) do I give you. Let your heart be not troubled, neither let it be afraid." This is the peace that surpasses all understanding. For He himself is our Peace. ( Ephesians 2:14)

.....We must see ourselves Crucified with Christ and Him living in us. He alone can enable us to rise to the standard which He himself has set before us. This is the peace we have by Faith. (Romans 5:1) No matter what thorns, (physical, mental, or spiritual) trials or tribulations we may have in our own lives.

Monday, November 17, 2008

GO YE....!

.....If you care about people and risk talking to the depressed, the doubting, the skeptical, the confused, and the angry, you will soon run into a person who says to your counsel: I've tried that. Whatever you say, they will minimize it and say it doesn't work. Do not be surprised at this response. This is what it means to be depressed, doubting, skeptical, confused, angry. It means that whatever they hear sounds useless.

.....So I want to offer some suggestions for what you say in a conversation that is about to be cut off like that.

1. Don't be offended.
.....First, resist the temptation to be offended. Don't pout or take your ball and go home. That's what you may feel like. They wanted to talk, and here they are throwing my suggestions back in my face with a dismissive attitude. Don't leave. Not yet. "Love suffers long" (1 Corinthians 13:4, NKJV).

2. Listen.
.....Second, listen to their responses. Part of your power is not only what you say, but how they feel about the way you listen. If your truth produces empathetic ears, it will feel more compelling. This listening will be a witness. In 2 Timothy 2:24-26, Paul describes the kind of engagement that may set people free from sin and error. One feature is "patiently enduring evil."

3. End with hope.
.....Third, when you have spoken all the experiential counsel you can think of, and they seem to have demeaned it all, don't let them have the last word of despair. You leave the last word of hope. I suggest that you do it something like this. Say . . .

.....I know that you don't feel very helped by what I have said. I think I understand some of what that's like. I don't mean to be offering a quick fix, as though your problems or doubts can be turned around that easily. But I have more hope than you do that God's truth is powerful and will have its good effect in due time. May I share one more thing before you go?

.....I simply want to make sure you hear the best news in the world. Jesus said he spoke so that we would have peace (John 16:33). And Paul said that faith comes by hearing the word of Christ (Romans 10:17). You don't feel this right now. But God says peace and faith come from hearing.

.....In other words, moving from not seeing and feeling the reality of Christ to seeing and feeling the reality of Christ happens through hearing news about Christ. Something happens. At one moment, you are not seeing him as beautiful and satisfying and compelling. Then in the next moment, you are.

.....In the moments leading up to this experience, listening to God's word seems empty and futile. That doesn't put me off. If you doubt what I am saying, you are the very person who needs to hear what I am saying.

.....So let me tell you this spectacular news. This comes from Colossians 2:13-15:

.....And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This He set aside, nailing it to the Cross. He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in Him.

.....Paul is talking about what God offers to everyone and what those who believe in Jesus experience. There are five mind-blowing things here:

.....God makes you spiritually alive.

.....God forgives all your sins.

.....He does this because he canceled the record of debts that stood against you. You owed God what you could never pay because of all your sins. And He cancelled the debt.

.....How could He do that? He set it aside by nailing it to the Cross. But the nails that went into the cross didn't go through parchment. They went through Jesus' hands and feet. That's the heart of everything I have to say to you. Christ became our substitute and bore our debt.

.....When that happened, the devil was disarmed. Why? Because the weapon of accusation was taken out of his hand. He always waved that record of debt in our face and God's court. But now that's canceled. The devil is disarmed. He can huff and puff, but he cannot damn you.

.....I leave you with this news. I will pray that the obstacles to peace-filled faith in your mind will be overcome by these truths. Jesus said, "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free." Meditate on these verses. May the Lord give you light.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Spiritual Warfare

.....God has designed every Christian for spiritual warfare. We are all commanded to resist the devil so that he will flee from us. We must all wrestle against principalities and powers and rulers of darkness or wickedness. In this combat, each of us must learn to endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. In a day when the Church is being challenged to a contest of power by the forces of evil, it is essential every Christian learn how to carry out effective spiritual warfare, and put on the pieces of God's Armor and stand against the devil.

The Whole Armor of God (Ephesians 6: 10 -- 20 ).

How to put on our Armor and Weapons.

.....A soldier must expend time and energy in order to put on his armor and take up his weapons. Similarly, a Christian puts on each piece of armor through precise disciplines in the Christian life. The spiritual armor of the Christian is similar to the physical armor of a soldier; however, it is of a different nature. Example -- David went out against Goliath in full armor, but all Goliath saw was a slingshot. David's armor had been forged and put on through the years of Godly disciplines which he developed in the wilderness caring for his father's sheep. ( See Psalm 78: 70-72)

1.) Belt of truth

.....Throughout history, the belt has been a symbol of strength, it is also been a means of freedom, and open times. Men wore outer garments which reached to the ground. If they ran in battle, they would be apt to step on the garments and stumble. To avoid this danger, they would raise their garments to the knee and secure them around their waist with the belt. Peter had this picture in mind when he quoted, "Gird up the loins of your mind." (1 Peter 1: 3).
Truth is also a means of freedom, as Jesus said, "And you shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free." (John 8: 32) (see also -- John 14: 6 ).

The Discipline related to the Belt of Truth:

Reading the Bible daily

.....Satan is a liar and the father lies. (See John 8: 44). He will tell us lies about God, ourselves, sin, the purposes for which God made things, and about every other aspect of our life. The best way to guard ourselves from Satan's lies is to have a daily program of reading and studying God's Word. ( The Truth )

2.) Breastplate of Righteousness

.....The Roman warriors who directly engaged the enemy wore plate armor around the trunks of their bodies to protect vital organs. In the same way, Christians are directed by God to guard "Their hearts with all diligence; for out to of them are the issues of life." (Proverbs 4: 23) The plate armor was heavy and restricted motion somewhat; however, the protection it gave was necessary for the soldier's survival.

The Discipline related to the Breastplate of Righteousness:

Memorizing God's Word

.....The ability of the Word of God to protect our heart is explained in Psalm 119:11, "Thy Word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee."Satan is the accuser of the bretheren (Christians) and brings condemnation to our hearts, (attacking the mind) if we do not know how to offset it with the Truth, such as passages in Romans 8. As we memorize God's word, our hearts, (minds) are sanctified and cleansed, according to John 15: 3, "Now ye are clean through the Word which I have spoken unto you." (See also Galatians 3: 6 )

3.) Feet Shod with the Gospel

.....The foot is a symbol of authority. When a king was conquered, he would be brought to the victorious ruler and made to bow his head down to the ground. The conqueror would put his foot on the neck of his defeated foe, symbolizing that he had jurisdiction(and victory) over him and his kingdom.

The Discipline related to the Shoes of the Gospel:

Meditating on Scripture

.....Since Satan is the author of rebellion, he will do all he can to cause us to rebel. However, by engrafting Scripture into our souls,( mind, will, and emotions), we will be able to think God's thoughts,(revelation, wisdom, knowledge,) after Him. Meditation On Scripture is the way to engraft God's word into our lives so we can walk in his ways and bring peace to many others through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

4.) Shield of Faith

.....Roman shields came in various sizes and shapes, but the purpose was the same: To protect a warrior from deadly spears, arrows, and swords of the enemy. Even with the other pieces of armor, a soldier had vulnerable areas and needed the added protection of a shield to stop or deflect what would otherwise be lethal blows. The Roman shields were designed to interlock with one another. With this feature, soldier's interlock their shields over their heads and advance towards the walled cities of the enemy. The fiery darts that came down upon them from their enemies on the walls, were thus ineffective.

The Discipline related to the Shield of Faith:

Fasting Regularly

.....Satan is the one who buffets the Saints and watches for openings to attack. It takes spiritual discernment to anticipate and deflect these assaults. Such discernment comes through fasting. Jesus promised to reward openly those who fast secretly, and Isaiah 58 promises good judgment to those who fast. When Paul was buffeted by Satan, he resorted to prayer and fasting.

5.) Helmet of Salvation

.....A variety of helmets were worn by soldiers of different armies. In hand to hand combat, it was a distinct advantage for a soldier to have a helmet which protected not only his head, but also is face, an especially his eyes. A blow to the uncovered head would immediately disable the soldier; therefore, this was one of the most important pieces of armor.

The Discipline related to the Helmet of Salvation:

Rising Early

.....One of Satan's most devastating tactics is to disable us with fear. (False Evidence Appearing Real). If he can bring fear to our minds, we will take our focus off the power and protection of the Lord and lose our will to sustain the battle. By rising early in the morning and having a communion time with the Lord, we renew our minds to what's true of us in Christ and focus on God's power and purposes for us through the day. (Reflection and repentance also). David wrote, "My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto Thee, and I will look up." (Psalm 5: 3)

6.) Sword of the Spirit

.....The first five pieces of armor are defensive; however, the sword is to be uses an offense a weapon. The effectiveness of the sword depended on the hardness of the metal and the sharpness of the edges. The two edged sword was essential in battle because the soldier could wheeled it at the enemy in either direction.

The Discipline related to the Sword of the Spirit:

Using Rhema in Warfare

.....The Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God. The Greek term used in this verse for "Word" is not Logos but Rhema. Rhema is Scripture which the Holy Spirit gives us for a particular situation. Jesus demonstrated how to use Rhema when he was tempted in the wilderness. With each temptation, he quoted a verse of Scripture from the Old Testament Logos. ("It is written" or "God says").The disciplines of reading, meditating and memorizing Scripture will provide the basis of receiving Rhema from the Holy Spirit. A wise exercise in spiritual warfare would be to match Rhema with temptations which you anticipate. (Rightly understanding God's Word and the right use of it.)

7.) All Prayer

.....Our second offense a weapon is prayer. "The effectual ferverent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. (Makes much power available.) (James 5: 16). The scope of the influence of prayer is extensive: "Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all Saints; and for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make know the mystery of the Gospel." (Ephesians 6: 18 -19).

The Discipline related to Ferverent Prayer:

Establishing Priorities

.....Satan is a hinderer of the Saints (see -1 Thessalonians 2: 18). It is our responsibility to determine what is most important in our lives and to choose the things that are excellent. (Good, perfect, and pleasing to God). Ferverent prayer for the salvation of non-believers and for the strengthening of our brothers and sisters ( In Christ) damages Satan's kingdom. Satan will, therefore, do all he can to hinder Christians from engaging in prayer. We can, however, be more than conquerors if we turned Satan's temptations into signals for prayer. This brings victory in a Christians life. Prayer is the battle itself. God's word is the chief weapon. The bottom line is that an unbroken, ongoing relationship with God is the only absolute guarantee of being constantly dressed in the Whole Armor of God, thus producing true freedom. (Fully Renouncing Every Evil Dominion Over Man.)

.....In conclusion, notice that the Armor of God does not protect the back of the Christian. That is because first of all, God has our back, and also our brothers in Christ. Also we are to stand against the wiles of the enemy, not to run from or shy away but to stand. For weapons of our warfare are not carnal but spiritual and mighty in the pulling down of strongholds, warring against principalities and powers and rulers of darkness.

Friday, November 14, 2008


.....The federal government estimates that there are over 22 million drug addicts, and alcoholics in the United States. Today, more than ever, with the enormous problems society faces from drugs, alcohol, crime, prostitution, depression, homelessness, etc., problems for which the world has little or no remedy... Faith-based ministries are leading the way with new and innovative ways to deal with these issues. Secular treatment programs only looked at the symptoms. Their treatment is never penetrating enough to introduce real healing and true behavioral change that is needed for most individuals to gain freedom from life controlling issues. The federal government's own research indicates that secular treatment programs have a 5 to 10 percent success rate while Faith-based programs have an 86 percent success rate.

.....Freedom In Christ Ministries has a complete program. A God empowered, Christ centered, and Holy Spirit inspired "Bible based program" designed to free the total person (spirit, soul, and body) from drugs, alcohol, and other life-controlling issues. (Anything that masters a person's life.)

.....The mission of the ministry is to provide adults and families with effective and comprehensive Faith-based solutions through a Christian Discipleship Program. The program has four phases and is from 90 days to one year long. Our objectives are to enable and empower students to find freedom from addictive behavior, become socially and emotionally healthy, physically well, and spiritually alive. This program is designed to produce graduates who function responsibly, and productively in society, establishing healthy relationships in the work place, the family, the Church, and the community. Leading individuals away from being a burden to society, to becoming a blessing in society. Equipping them with the tools needed to prosper in all things throughout their life.

.....This Discipleship Program has qualified and committed staff and volunteers dedicated to completing the goals and mission of the ministry. A caring ministry of real people, working, and praying together, helping those to grow in faith and in the knowledge of God through a Biblical approach in the study of life-controlling behaviors, encouraged sharing, and practical application. The staff has compiled valuable insights to combat these problems through the Word of God.

The ministry curriculum consists of lecture-style classes divided into two different segments:

Group Studies - which consists of a practical lineup of lecture style classes to teach practical Christian living skills.

Personal Studies - which consists of individualized study courses designed to meet the specific and targeted needs of each student.

.....The curriculum is designed to renew the mind and helps each student develop self-confidence, a balanced self-image, accountability, and dependability, thus producing a permanent behavioral change.

.....The ministry teaches The Six Steps to the Throne of God, Paul's System of Truth, and the Doctrines of Christ. Curriculum is listed below:

Six Steps to the Throne
Paul's System of Truth
(The Seven Pillars of Truth)
What is Man?
Who Adam was and What Adam did.
What happened to Jesus and His redemptive work.
The believers identification with Christ.
Who we are and what we now have in Christ.
How spiritual maturity comes.
The present-day Priestly ministry of Christ.

Doctrines of Christ
Repentance from Dead Works
Faith towards God
Doctrines of Baptisms
Laying-on of Hands
Doctrine of Resurrection
Eternal Judgment

Advanced Studies
The Law Fulfilled
Believers made Righteous
Force of Sin put Away
Deaths Debt has been Paid
Judged in Christ
Curse is Reversed
Satan's Power Destroyed
Man Reconciled to God
Eternal Life made Available
Blessings of Abraham
Dominion and Authority
Returned to the New Man
Kingdom of God Established on Earth

Health and Fitness

.....The ministry addresses and educates the students of the benefits of a well balanced diet, regular physical exercise, providing access to exercise equipment to the students in this program. The ministry also has engaged physicians and dentists that will donate or discount services for the students if the need arises.

Vocational Training Program

.....Our vocational training program works with other businesses, general contractors, and individuals, teaching the students different vocational skills, i.e., carpentry, drywall, painting, flooring, roofing, siding, plumbing, electrical etc., in the residential and commercial construction industry, (new and remodeling). Also skills in the horticultural industry, i.e., lawn maintenance, landscaping, irrigation. The goal here is to equip the students with the ability and skills to find work or start a business and become productive members in society upon graduation.

Outreach Program

.....The ministry also does volunteer work in the community such as providing services for the elderly or handicap individuals in need of remodeling or repairs in their homes to fulfill their needs. Our ministry believes in reaching out to others and being a blessing to the community, i.e., building ramps, widening doors, installing handicap tubs and showers, handicap accessories, and winterizing homes to help keep utility bills down.

.....The vocational training program and outreach program will teach students a solid Christian work-ethic that will give them a foundation of responsibility, a positive attitude, and integrity in how a job is to be done when they return to the work force.

Aftercare - Re-entering Society

.....Upon completion of any of the four phases of the discipleship program, the ministry will help the students find employment, and become involved and accountable in a local church for further mentoring and growth. This aspect of the ministry is one of the keys for reinforcing the positive behavioral changes leading to a successful life.

.....Your donations to Freedom In Christ Ministries, Inc. allow people with life controlling issues to have the opportunity to receive the help they really need. God's Help. Through a Faith-based program designed to free the total person (spirit, soul, and body).Your giving shows God's love to them... helping them... Breaking the Chains of Life Controlling Issues.

.....Freedom In Christ Ministries, Inc. is a non-profit organization and every contribution is completely tax deductible. May God Richly Bless You.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008


.....The first commitment of a disciple is to " Deny" himself. He must renounce his self-centered life, clearing out all of self for Christ. Nothing can be more important to us than Christ. ( A Christ centered life.) The circle above represents your life. Christ should fill up the entire circle. To abide in Christ means that He is to have priority in everything in your life. Christian life is simply Christ living in you, (John 15: 5, John 15: 10) and through you. God has provided a way for Christ to be at the center of your life. This is the second commitment. "Take up your cross daily." Bearing your cross and serving others requires discipline. The above diagram reveals what disciplines a disciple must have.

1. The Word

.....The first discipline that we must have in our lives is "Living in the Word of God." The way to have Christ living in us is to have His Word in us. John 8: 31 - 32 says - "If you continue in My Word, then ye our My disciples indeed; and ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free." The Word of God is food for us. We cannot grow unless we have a regular intake of it. This is done by listening to someone preach it, and by reading it, studying it, memorizing it, meditating it, and then applying it. The result is a continuous process of renewing the mind, thus causing a behavioral change. John 15: 10 says- "That to abide in Christ is to obey Him." This is a crucial step in establishing a close relationship with God.

2. Prayer

.....The second discipline that we must have in our lives is "Praying," ( In Faith.) Faith that is drawn from the first discipline, ( His Word.) A part of living in Christ is living in prayer. John 15: 7 says -"If ye abide in Me, and My Word abides in you, ye shall ask what you will, and it shall be done unto you." So when we abide in Christ and His Word abides in us, we can ask what we will and God will do it. And open line of communication established between us and God through the Finished Work of the Cross ( Christ.) Refer to the above diagram and notice that God reveals himself and communicates to us through His Word (Christ.) and we communicate to God through prayer. Note the direction (Up to God and Down to us).

3. Fellowship

.....The third discipline that we must have in our lives is "Fellowship with Believers", our brothers and sisters in Christ. John 13:34 - 35 says - "A new commandment I give unto you, that you help one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know the ye our My disciples, if ye have love one to another." God has provided the ideal place for us to grow and mature, - The Church. A body of believers that have made a covenant to carry out Christ's ministry in and throughout the world. The Church is the body of Christ. So we come together to form the body here on the earth. Equipping those to fulfill the callings on their life. Praising and Worshiping God corporately, and equipping the Saints to go and preach the gospel - "The Good News."

4. Witnessing

.....The fourth discipline that we must have in our lives is "Witnessing to the World". Sharing Christ with others. John 15: 8 says - "Herein is My Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples." A disciple will bear much fruit and that fruit is to be a witness to the world; our testimony, a living epistle to glorify God. The outward expression of an inward change from renewing the mind to what is true of it. The "Salvation of the Soul", or victory of the mind, will, and emotions, through Christ in the Finished Work of the Cross. Through applying these disciplines of living daily in the Word of God, praying in faith and fellowship with God's people, it will become natural and normal to share with others the Christ who is living in our hearts. This is what will make us fishers of men. Hence a true behavioral change.

.....The third commitment mentioned in Luke 9: 23 says - "That if we "Follow" and live in Christ, we will eventually bear fruit." Fruit does not necessarily grow quickly, but it grows continually and bears in season. Fruit bearing is the normal, natural result of the life that has Christ at the center of it. This is produced by the Holy Spirit and is what is called our sphere of influence. This growth is a continuous expansion across the earth equally proportional to the relationship we have with God through Jesus Christ. Fruit-bearing not only consists of good deeds and helping others, it also relates to the fruit of the Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Long-suffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, and Temperance, leading to ministry and service of all kinds. As noted from the diagram, only you limit yourself with God.

.....Our goal in discipleship is expressed in 2 Timothy 2: 21 and says - "If a man therefore purge himself from these (his old ways), ye shall be a vessel unto honor, sanctified, and able for the Master's use, and prepared onto every good work." These disciplines will develop lives that will produce good fruit, as well as balance, according to the Word of God, making true disciples.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

WHAT GOD HAS SHOWN ME...About Marriage

Good marriages don't just happen. It is not just because you married the right person and got lucky. Good marriages are built on more than passion. They are built on principle.

In the Scriptures, we find the best guidelines and principles for a healthy marriage. God's words and God's principles are never ever outdated...never! They are just as applicable today as they were to ancient Jews living in Israel.

I want to point us to principles God has given us in a place you might not think was intended for marriage. That place is the Ten Commandments, found in Exodus 20.

Let me give you those Ten Commandments. What I would like you to do is spend time reading these carefully, and then take time to pray over each one. Ask God to begin to open your heart to see how these commands could be looked at as principles for marriage. I had a friend who challenged me to do the same, and I was amazed at what I discovered.

You shall have no other gods before Me.

You shall not make for yourself a carved image...

You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain...

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you.

You shall not murder.

You shall not commit adultery.

You shall not steal.

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's."

The First Commandment of Marriage: Exclusivity

The first of the Ten Commandments is simply this, as found in Exodus 20:3,

"You shall have no other gods before Me."

What is God saying in this commandment? That He wants to have an exclusive relationship with you. He wants to be your one and only. He will not settle for flavor of the month.

And how appropriate in marriage as well. We are to have an exclusive relationship with our spouse.

It's been said that Henry Ford, on his golden wedding anniversary...50 years of marriage...was asked, "What's the secret of your success in marriage?" And he said, "The secret of my successful marriage is the same secret that I have in business: I stick to the same model."

In traditional wedding vows, the man and woman pledge their devotion until death parts them. For life. There is no competition.

My wife has no competition. I am not shopping for a new model. I do not want to trade in the old model. I will not be shopping in the future. One is all I need.

The Second Commandment of Marriage: Don't Love a Substitute

In the second commandment recorded in Exodus 20:4-6, we are given the second principle for a strong marriage,

"You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments."

God commanded that there be no carved images, whether in heaven, in earth, or in the sea. He wanted to make sure everything was covered. And He said not to bow down to them and worship them. God said, "Do not make images of Me and then worship them. Don not love or worship a substitute for Me. Love Me."

Religion has made pictures, statues, and idols and then called them holy. They are all imitations. They are all substitutes. And in marriage we should have no substitutes either.

Pornography is a substitute. When a man watches pornography, he is loving a substitute. He is directing his passion and his sexuality toward those images. That is a substitute, and he is robbing his wife of that intimacy.

Do not allow any substitute, no matter what it might be, to take the place of intimacy with your spouse.

The Third Commandment of Marriage: Speak Well of Your Mate

Exodus 20:7 gives us our third commandment of marriage,

"You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain."

Many misunderstand the term, in vain. It means empty, meaningless, insincere, not showing due respect.

When we speak flippantly or lightly about someone, we erode our respect for that person. Some people are just far too casual in the way they speak of their spouse, and it erodes your respect for him or her.

In marriage, few things can affect the relationship like words. Words are containers. They can contain love; they can contain hate; they can contain joy; they can contain bitterness.

The book of James says that our tongue is like a rudder on a ship. It will send the ship of your marriage in whatever direction your words go. Some people are on the brink of divorce because they talk divorce. Just listen to the words they say. Are they negative or positive? Critical or encouraging?

Think about what you say. Are you building up your partner? Learn to speak well of your mate. Build them up with your words. Be lavish with your praise. You will be pleased with where those words will take your relationship.

The Fourth Commandment of Marriage: Spend Exclusive Time Together

The fourth commandment, found in Exodus 20:8-11,

"Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it."

Sabbath means an intermission. It means to put down your work and rest. Take a break. And holy means separate to the Lord. "If you want a long-term relationship with Me," God says, "We have to have time together. I want special time, exclusive time. I want a whole day."

In the same way, in order to have a healthy, growing marriage, husbands and wives need time together...special time, exclusive time, sometimes extravagant time. And I think we all know that if we do not schedule it, it will not happen.

If your marriage is to thrive, you need to spend exclusive time together. You can't build a relationship and not spend time together. It is just not possible.

The Fifth Commandment of Marriage: Honor Your Spouse by Showing How Grateful You Are

The fifth commandment gives us our next principle for a healthy and vibrant marriage. It is found in Exodus 20:12,

"Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you."

Among other things, God is saying we must be grateful. Generally, parents spend a lot of time, labor, and money...sometimes to the point of radical give their kids an edge in life.

And it is a tragedy when a child is ungrateful or unthankful. William Shakespeare said, "How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child." It is very difficult to have a relationship with an ungrateful, selfish person.

"Thank you" are important words to your parents, and an incredibly important phrase in marriage. It is difficult to live with someone who takes you and all of your efforts for granted.

You may be thinking, "I don't say it, but I am grateful in my heart. I truly am!" Well, hooray for you. You are blessed because in your heart you know you are grateful. But it does your spouse no good if you do not vocalize it.

If you do not demonstrate your gratitude, I doubt if you are really grateful because Jesus said, "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." If it is not being expressed, chances are it is not truly there.

Maybe you think you don't have a lot to be grateful for. But there must be something you can say "thank you" for. There is something you can praise your mate for. Look for those things, and accentuate the positive.

Take time today to express thanks to your spouse in some way...through an action, through a card, through words. That is how you honor your mate.

The Sixth Commandment of Marriage: Don't Destroy Your Spouse But Learn to be Gentle

The sixth commandment God gave to Israel in Exodus 20:13,
"You shall not murder."

While you might think this commandment is not too applicable, I believe it is vital. It is telling you not to destroy your spouse!

Jesus helps us understand this principle in Matthew 5. He said, "You have heard that it was said to those of old, 'You shall not murder, and whoever murders will be in danger of the judgment.' But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment."

Jesus went right to the root of murder: anger and hatred. If you are going to have a good, healthy, lasting marriage, you need to learn to be gentle. People who are easily angered...who are violent or have an explosive temper...destroy relationships.

If you are dating someone who blows up easily, you ought to take it as a warning sign. If they get mad at things at the drop of a hat, that anger can be turned on you very easily.

Anger erodes relationships. If you have a hot temper, get it under control, or the devil will control you through it.

Another way anger is expressed is by going stone cold...using silence and angry moodiness to punish your mate. Again, not a healthy thing for a marriage. If you anger quickly and forgive slowly, you are a hard person to live with. Work at being quick to forgive, and make the controlling of your anger a serious matter of prayer. God will help you.

If you do not master your temper, it will master you. And it will not only decay and destroy a marriage relationship, it will harm every other meaningful relationship you have in life.

We're going to skip the Seventh Commandment here -- "Do Not Commit Adultery"
-- to address it in a more in-depth manner

The Eighth Commandment of Marriage: Be a Person of Integrity

Exodus 20:15 gives us the eighth commandment for marriage,
You shall not steal.

You may be wondering how stealing applies to marriage. Simple. Not to steal is to be a person of integrity.

If you are always cheating or cutting corners, it will be hard for your spouse to respect you. Your uprightness should make your marriage partner feel proud. Your spouse and your family ought to testify of your integrity. This is really one of the things at the heart of a good marriage.

If you are married to somebody, and you know they cheat their customers, it is just hard to respect that person. You cannot respect someone who does not have integrity.

This is a big issue that many people fly right by. But it is vital to a healthy and vibrant marriage because it is hard to fully give yourself to someone who does not have integrity.

If you find that your spouse is holding back, if you feel like he or she does not respect you, take a look inside and see if you are compromising with your integrity. Do you cheat on your taxes? Do you tell that "little white lie" to protect yourself or gain an advantage?
Do you represent yourself one way, when in fact in your heart you believe something totally different? Are you like the man Solomon speaks of in Proverbs 23:7?

For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. "Eat and drink!" he says to you, but his heart is not with you.

If this is an issue in your life, take it to God today. He will help you become the person of integrity He desires you to be. And when you do, you will find your spouse will come to respect you, and your marriage will be strengthened!

The Ninth Commandment of Marriage: Be Truthful

The ninth commandment for marriage speaks to the heart of any marriage, trust. It is found in Exodus 20:16,

"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor."

Someone who would lie about their neighbor, for whatever reason, is not going to make a good marriage partner. Honesty and trust are at the heart of a good marriage.

If you take advantage of people for your own gain, speaking untruthfully to get ahead, you are not a person to be trusted. And you ultimately are the loser.

I am reminded of the guy who was in a fender bender, and he faked an injury, pretended like he hurt his arm and his shoulder. As a result, the poor little lady who had run into his car was subjected to a truly horrible situation. She was grilled by attorneys, had to give depositions, and ended up in court.

But this guy continued trying to take her for all she was worth. He didn't care because he knew she had money. He didn't care if she had to give up her house. He was looking at an opportunity to get rich.The attorney for the lady's insurance company put him on the stand and said, "I would like to know, since the accident, since you injured your arm and your shoulder, how far can you now raise your arm?"With great pain etched on his face, he said, "Well...'bout here. That's it. Just to here." Then the attorney asked, "Well, how far could you lift it before the accident?" The guy responded, raising his arm with ease, "I could lift it up to here."
Needless to say, he lost.

Anyone who is not truthful will ultimately lose. And if your spouse will lie to someone else, he or she will lie to you.

The Tenth Commandment of Marriage: Be Content with What You Have

Today we come to the final commandment for marriage. That commandment is based on the tenth commandment given to the nation of Israel in Exodus 20:17,

"You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's."

This command is very direct. Do not covet. Don't be discontent with what you have. Do not make what you don't have the focus of your life. Accentuate what you do have and what God has blessed you and your spouse with.

You do this by celebrating your husband's or wife's strengths and giftings rather than thinking, "Oh, I wish he was this way," or, "I wish she had that."

I can build a house from the ground up; and if anything mechanical breaks down, I can fix it.

While I am a Mr. Fix-It, there are other things that I am not good at. I am so grateful that Lora wanted to pull those things out of me and give wings to the gifts, ( In Christ) she saw that I do have. And I want to do the same thing for her.

You will always get into trouble if you think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Just water your own grass. Because on the other side of the fence, it's just Astroturf anyway.

I struggled with drugs while searching for answers. It was not until I was 40 years of age(13 AUGUST, 2008) and thinking about my 3 blessed children and my soulmate that the Lord showed me the powerful reality of a relationship with Christ. Since August 13, 2008, the Lord has opened my eyes to the Answers (FREEDOM IN CHRIST) which I will prophetically fulfill in Christ, spreading the gospel to the nations around the world, blowing the horn, with a clear sounding word.

When God made man, He said it is good. But then He said, "It is not good that he is alone. I am going to make a helper suitable for him." And the Bible says God took one of Adam's ribs, and He formed a woman, Eve, and brought her to the man.

God did not take four or five ribs and say, "Okay, Adam, here is Eve, and here is Lois, and here is Samantha, and here is Rachel." No, it was just one. And to have a healthy marriage relationship, that is it.

My dream is not up in the sky or up in the stars when I look up, it is right here in my heart. (In Christ)

I am committed for life. An exclusive relationship. I am not shopping, not even window-shopping. One God. One wife. That is enough.


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