Thursday, December 11, 2008



.....The primary objective of Freedom In Christ Ministries, Inc. is to create a Faith-based program that is specifically designed to support exceptionally innovative, original and/or unconventional research with the potential to create new or challenge existing scientific paradigms. The Ministry’s goal is to create a National, and then an International program, using this one as the model to pilot others by which to impact the Nation and the World in its unique approaches.

.....Our Ministry clearly articulates all of these issues:

(1) The fundamental issues of behavioral change and its overarching importance to the biomedical/behavioral enterprise.
(2) The development of this program will either establish new or disrupt existing paradigms.

(3) Propose rationale approaches that significantly differ from state of the art in the field.

.....This Christian Discipleship Program is designed to provide a more flexible and engaging avenue for support of investigators, proving this concept, and implementing truly transformative ideas, creating a Complete Program, consisting of True Behavioral Change.

.....The Christian Discipleship Program will reflect ideas substantially different from mainstream concepts being pursued in the investigator’s laboratory or elsewhere.

Project: F.R.E.E.D.O.M. – Fully Renouncing Every Dominion Over Man

Understanding and Facilitating Human Behavior Change

.....Behavior change is critical to the prevention, management, and treatment of many important health conditions. However, the initiation and maintenance of behavior change can be very difficult, and even those interventions that succeed in controlled clinical trials do not always scale well. Transformative advances in the science of behavior change, especially those that can unify disease-specific efforts, are urgently needed. In response to this challenge, Freedom In Christ Ministries, Inc. proposes a complete program and working model in the understanding of basic mechanisms of behavior change at the biological, behavioral and social levels and developing innovative approaches to the prevention, intervention, and treatment of some major societal problems,- drugs, alcohol, crime, prostitution, depression, homelessness, and poverty. To date, the ministry has taken the time to develop from the gathering of research, and the collection of data over the years to create a new and innovative way to deal with these issues. This Faith-based ministry has gone to great lengths to assess the project, mission, and goals of addressing Life-controlling issues, and also develop a forward an exciting way to reach out to our community at-large through our services.

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