Let me ask you:
Have you ever tried to save a drowning man?
.....The trouble is that his F.E.A.R. ( False Evidence Appearing Real) prevents him from trusting himself to you. When this happens, there are only two ways of helping him. Either you knock him unconscious and then drag him to shore, or leave him to struggle and shout until his strength gives way before you rescue him. If he has any strength left, he will clutch on to you and drag you under and you will both drown. God is waiting for each of us to totally exhaust our strength before He can deliver us from the exact sin that we are wrestling with in our lives today. Once we have ceased to struggle, really "Let Go, and Let God", then and only then, will He do everything that needs to be done to remove that sin or Life Controlling Issue from you and your life. So my advice to you today is surrender and sit. When we seek to do it ourselves, we place ourselves back under the Law, which is absent of His Grace and Mercy. Mathew 11: 28 - 30 sums it up pretty well, " Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light." The secret of deliverance from sin, any sin, is not in doing something, it is in sitting, (setting yourself apart), finding, (seeking the Truth), and resting, (accepting and renewing the mind), on what God has done. Let God's Truth Set You Free.
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