.....The wonderful thing about the Grace of God is to simply remind us of who we really are so that we can return to dependency upon Him. Have you ever felt like a butterfly who has lapsed for awhile, back to acting like a worm?
.....Don't wallow around in the past. If you miss it, Repent. Change your mind to the point of changing your life. Say to yourself, "I be in Christ, and Christ doesn't do that."
.....My message to you today is "Get Back Up And Fly." Return to your dependency upon Him, and act in accordance with your "True Identity," your identity in Christ. We never outgrow our need to be reminded of who we are in Christ. This is the constant standard against which we learn to measure our thinking and responses throughout life. It is a dependent faith in the living Christ. Jesus laid down His life for you, so that He could give His life to you, so that He could live His life through you. "Growing in Grace," means fixing our eyes and life on Jesus, the one who is full of grace. We have to discover Him to discover our "True Identity," for He alone is our life.
.....John 15: 5 says, " I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing." Notice that any fruit produced will be attached to the branch. It is clearly the vine's responsibility to do the producing. It also true that the source of life comes through that vine, which you are to be connected to. A branch cut off produces no fruit. God wants us to be fruit hangers, or bearers. A vital link, a flow of life, or channel between the fruit and the vine. But the one thing that has happen is that there must be a total dependency upon Him.
.....An example of this is floating in a swimming pool. (Relaxing) Our job is to surrender to the water. It is the water's job to hold us up. The more we try in our own strength, the quicker we sink. This truly illustrates our need to be totally dependent on Jesus Christ and the "Finished Work of the Cross."
.....When a person has a complete dependency, and a responsive heart to Christ, God will take their knowledge, and experiences, and use it in a wonderful, and marvelous way to build up the Body of Christ.
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