.....Mathew 13:44 says, " The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for the joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field."
.....Mathew 13:45-46 says, " The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it."
.....I wish to discuss these 2 small parables today, but first let's ask ourselves, What is the kingdom of heaven?
.....The "kingdom of heaven" or "kingdom of God" in New Testament terminology and concept stands for and is indicative of the blessings of God according to Mark 10:25-26. Heaven is that which is over this earth, and through Jesus' Lordship and rule, is now available to bring life to every human experience today. A new power and presence of a new world of potential and hope to mankind, with respect to experiencing heaven on earth.
.....The kingdom of heaven. The term "kingdom" which means the king's domain is used about 137 times in the New Testament. "Kingdom of heaven" or its equivalent is found about 100 times in regards to Jesus' Ministry, and preaching about the kingdom. John the Baptist came preaching the kingdom of God and indicated it was then imminent in Mathew 3:2.
.....These 2 short parables were given to us to better understand the things concerning the kingdom of God that are far beyond anything that we could ever think or imagine. Spiritual truths always have preeminence over the physical, or the natural. This is why Jesus had to speak to us in parables, so we could get the bigger picture.
.....The treasure hid in the field, or the pearl found represent things of great value and worth, which we may make our own. Jesus Christ is the true Treasure; in Him there is an abundance of all that which is rich and useful, and will be a portion for us: all fullness (Col. 1:19; John 1:16): treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Col. 2:3), of righteousness, grace, and peace; these are laid up for us in Christ; and, if we have an interest in Him, it is all our own.
.....The gospel is the field in which this treasure is hid: it is hid in the word of the Old Testament and the New Testament. In gospel ordinances it is hid as the milk in the breast, the marrow in the bone, the manna in the dew, the water in the well (Isa. 12:3), and the honey in the honey-comb. It is hid, not in a garden enclosed, or a spring shut up, but in a field, an open field; whoever will, let him come, and search the scriptures; let him dig in this field according to Proverbs 2:4; and whatever royal mines we find, they are all our own, if we take the right course. It is a great thing to discover the treasure hid in this field, and the unspeakable value of it. The reason why so many slight the gospel, and will not be at the expense, and run the hazard, of entertaining it, is because they look only upon the surface of the field, and judge by that. The richest mines are often in grounds that appear most barren; and therefore people in general will not so much as bid for the field, much less come up to the price.
.....Those who discern this treasure in the field, and value it, will never be easy till they have made it their own upon any terms. They that have found this treasure, sometimes hide it, which denotes a holy jealousy, rejoicing in it, though as yet the bargain be not made; they are glad there is such a bargain to be had. They are the ones whose resolve is to buy this field, making it their own, for the sake of the unseen treasure in it. It is Christ in the gospel that we are to have an eye to; we need not go up to heaven, but can experience the kingdom of heaven on this earth if and when we truly find Christ. Christ is the key that opens up the kingdom to us. But in finding that key, we must be willing to part with all, counting every thing but loss, that we may win Christ, and be found in Him.
.....Today, many of us are busy, seeking our own treasures and pearls: ones that would make us rich, other things that would bring us power or honor, and take up with counterfeits for pearls. Jesus Christ is a Pearl of great price, a Jewel of inestimable value, which will make those who have it rich, truly rich, rich toward God. And in having Him, we have enough to make us happy here and forever. This is truly what opens the eyes of our understanding to see all the treasures and pearls which He has placed around us upon this earth. A true experience of heaven on earth through the all the wonderful people that He places in our path to have fellowship, and relationships with. I have found Christ, and that spiritual treasure or pearl of great worth today. And because of that, I am truly blessed and able to see all of the physical treasures and pearls of great worth in my life today. I would only hope to show them, as God has shown me through truth and love, by having the privilege of experiencing the kingdom of heaven on this earth with them today with Christ. Isn't that why we are here?
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