.....Romans 6: 4 says, "As Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life."
.....In my line of work I have often had the privilege of meeting those who are at the bottom of their life, feeling lost, abandoned, and helpless, consumed in addiction and other life-controlling issues. And through our ministry's Christian Discipleship Program, I have been blessed and able to see God's miracles everyday as these people have their lives turned completely around and transformed right before my eyes, through the power of God. Like a caterpillar coming out of a cocoon and standing before me as a beautiful butterfly, these people experience liberation from their addictions, leaving behind lifestyles of hatred, and violence, experiencing grace, embracing the faith of a better future, hope, love, joy, peace, and forgiveness, for God, themselves, and others. They have truly become a "new creation" in Christ.
How is this possible?
.....The key to their transformation is the empty tomb on Easter morning. Paul spells out the impact of that empty grave when he writes in Romans 6:4, " We were buried with Christ through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead (This is the power that was unleashed) through the glory of the Father, we too may walk and live a new life." This faith, in choosing to boldly and unswervingly believe what God has said about them, and what He has said has happened to them, frees them to live as never before, for the good of God, and others. This is why the faith of a mustard seed has the ability to move mountains out of our own lives today.
.....Easter is obviously a big deal in the life of Jesus. But it is also a big deal for you and me also. The power of the risen Lord breaks addictions, melts hatred, and gives each of us a sense of purpose to live as resurrection people, experiencing all that God has for us, heaven on earth.
.....The expression "live a new life" literally means "walk a new life." The God we serve loves to take walks. He walked with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden according to Genesis 3: 8. He walked with the Old Testament people through the wilderness into the promise land in Exodus 40: 36-38. In Christ, He walked the dusty streets of Palestine, and then walked out of the tomb on Easter morning. Why? So we could see the victory that took place for us, and could personally walk with Him as He led the way into a fresh new life for us to experience all that God has for us as never before.
.....I would only ask the Lord to show you the power of the victory that took place over 2000 years ago, on this Easter Sunday. Upon seeing that, I know that your life will be truly changed forever, experiencing it daily in your life, leading you and guiding you into a life of resurrection, hope and power, unlike anything you have ever experienced before.
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