God is beginning a process of calling the world into a
relationship with Him concerning the finality of His Kingdom,
establishing itself on this Earth. Everyone who seeks to live through
the end times of great tribulation and live on into a new world,
where God’s Kingdom reigns, will have to choose for themselves if
they will receive God’s truth, or stubbornly hold onto traditional
beliefs that are fables. It is a choice, but one that will not be up for
debate with God.
People must repent of their wrong ways and receive God’s way
of life, or they will simply be erased from the earth at this time. The
way of greatest hope (because there is still no guarantee to survive)
is to repent of error and receive what it true. That is the right thing
to do, no matter what the immediate outcome. If we do not receive
such favor immediately, then it will come when we are resurrected
to life once more. However, your best hope, concerning your own
life now and the lives of those that you love, is that you repent
speedily and pour out yourself to God, seeking His guidance,
forgiveness, favor, and every day help and intervention in life.
As God reveals truth to you, a decision each time will have to be
made in your life. You will repent of your wrong ways and receive
the truth with gladness, or reject it. Will you accept what is true?
Will you embrace the light that removes the darkness in you
and from you, or will you continue to resist God and hold to false
ways, like the world has done for so long a time?
For now, what will you choose? It really is a simple choice.
This is where you must begin. It will not be easy. It was not easy for
all those who lived during the past 6,000 years and who chose to
follow the true ways of God. It was hard because of the
resistance, the mocking and oppression that came from others
who hated such ideas and beliefs. It will be the same for you.
These Blogs are written to give you the tools and means whereby
you can find answers to what is coming on this Earth, so that you
might have some opportunity to share in what lies just beyond the
end-time tribulation. God is bringing His worldwide ruling
Kingdom to the Earth. All who live on into it will be able to become
a part of His Church. It will be the only Church on earth.
No other religion will exist that can hurt and deceive mankind any
more. It will be “One Church.” There is only one Church anyway,
but in that new world it will be manifested throughout
all the world!
Do you grasp what God may be offering you? What will it take
to bring you to your knees? If death comes, your choice ends. If you
live, how long will it be before you will repent and accept the truth
you are reading? ...You are about to find out, one way or the
God’s desire for mankind is that he repent—that his heart be
changed to receive the kind of heart that the faithful fathers of
old—Abraham, Isaac and Jacob—possessed. But the history of man
is that he rejects such a heart. God has long expressed His desire
for man to change and receive His ways, that he might live life
to the full. It has been expressed in many ways and at many times.
God is going to bring down all nations. All governments of man will be
brought to an end. God will gather all people into a single
kingdom—His Kingdom over the whole earth. In the end-time, God
will destroy all religions, idols, and false gods, including the false
ways of what is called Christianity. Then God’s Kingdom will
begin to reign, and God will pour out His Spirit on all mankind.
God must bring down all nations from their haughtiness and
pride—humble them—so they can receive a new heart and spirit.
God’s final judgment will indeed be righteous and just.
relationship with Him concerning the finality of His Kingdom,
establishing itself on this Earth. Everyone who seeks to live through
the end times of great tribulation and live on into a new world,
where God’s Kingdom reigns, will have to choose for themselves if
they will receive God’s truth, or stubbornly hold onto traditional
beliefs that are fables. It is a choice, but one that will not be up for
debate with God.
People must repent of their wrong ways and receive God’s way
of life, or they will simply be erased from the earth at this time. The
way of greatest hope (because there is still no guarantee to survive)
is to repent of error and receive what it true. That is the right thing
to do, no matter what the immediate outcome. If we do not receive
such favor immediately, then it will come when we are resurrected
to life once more. However, your best hope, concerning your own
life now and the lives of those that you love, is that you repent
speedily and pour out yourself to God, seeking His guidance,
forgiveness, favor, and every day help and intervention in life.
As God reveals truth to you, a decision each time will have to be
made in your life. You will repent of your wrong ways and receive
the truth with gladness, or reject it. Will you accept what is true?
Will you embrace the light that removes the darkness in you
and from you, or will you continue to resist God and hold to false
ways, like the world has done for so long a time?
For now, what will you choose? It really is a simple choice.
This is where you must begin. It will not be easy. It was not easy for
all those who lived during the past 6,000 years and who chose to
follow the true ways of God. It was hard because of the
resistance, the mocking and oppression that came from others
who hated such ideas and beliefs. It will be the same for you.
These Blogs are written to give you the tools and means whereby
you can find answers to what is coming on this Earth, so that you
might have some opportunity to share in what lies just beyond the
end-time tribulation. God is bringing His worldwide ruling
Kingdom to the Earth. All who live on into it will be able to become
a part of His Church. It will be the only Church on earth.
No other religion will exist that can hurt and deceive mankind any
more. It will be “One Church.” There is only one Church anyway,
but in that new world it will be manifested throughout
all the world!
Do you grasp what God may be offering you? What will it take
to bring you to your knees? If death comes, your choice ends. If you
live, how long will it be before you will repent and accept the truth
you are reading? ...You are about to find out, one way or the
God’s desire for mankind is that he repent—that his heart be
changed to receive the kind of heart that the faithful fathers of
old—Abraham, Isaac and Jacob—possessed. But the history of man
is that he rejects such a heart. God has long expressed His desire
for man to change and receive His ways, that he might live life
to the full. It has been expressed in many ways and at many times.
God is going to bring down all nations. All governments of man will be
brought to an end. God will gather all people into a single
kingdom—His Kingdom over the whole earth. In the end-time, God
will destroy all religions, idols, and false gods, including the false
ways of what is called Christianity. Then God’s Kingdom will
begin to reign, and God will pour out His Spirit on all mankind.
God must bring down all nations from their haughtiness and
pride—humble them—so they can receive a new heart and spirit.
God’s final judgment will indeed be righteous and just.
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