Psalm 19: 12-14 mentions three kinds of sin - Errors, Hidden Faults, and Willful Sins.
Errors - sins we commit and are not aware of. David said, "Who can discern (one's) errors?" We can commit error-sins for years as a Christian and not be aware of them, unless someone courageously and lovingly points them out.
Hidden Faults - sins we commit that we are aware of, but try to hide, hoping nobody catches on. David prayed often to God, "Forgive my hidden faults."
Willful Sins - Attitudes, thoughts, words, and actions that we know are wrong, and yet we do them anyway. David asked God, "Keep your servant also from willful sins."
Hidden Faults - sins we commit that we are aware of, but try to hide, hoping nobody catches on. David prayed often to God, "Forgive my hidden faults."
Willful Sins - Attitudes, thoughts, words, and actions that we know are wrong, and yet we do them anyway. David asked God, "Keep your servant also from willful sins."
But let us note that there is something encouraging here also. Though David knows he is a sinner, he is also still God's servant.
Even willful sin does not exclude us from God's Love.
God's Grace never gives up on us!
Despite our sin, we are God's servant, not because of what we have done, are doing, or ever will do, but because of whom we believe in...
God's Grace never gives up on us!
"Where sin increased, grace increased all the more." - Romans 5:20
Despite our sin, we are God's servant, not because of what we have done, are doing, or ever will do, but because of whom we believe in...
Christ, and the Finished Work Of The Cross.
Maybe that is why David asked God, "May my sins not rule over me." He knew God's servants should only have one ruler - and it ought not to be willful sin. He knew he was not perfect.
So David prays, as a humble man, "May the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight." And to whom does he make that request? " O Lord, My Rock, and My Redeemer."
These inner struggles are what make us alive today. These same struggles were shared by Jacob when he wrestled with God as in Genesis 32:28. Every God-believer is a God-struggler. Struggling with God is not a sign of unbelief or weak faith. It is a sign of an honest relationship, and even strong faith. Those who have no faith, have no need of grace, and no need to struggle with God. But all who have faith, struggle with God and the grace, and unmerited favor which He gives to us because of the imperfections we see in ourselves. Sometimes it is with a great ferocity, and other times it is a lesser intensity. He actually likes us to struggle with Him, because it always brings about change in our lives. Struggling with God shows that we take Him seriously to the Truth that He reveals to us in our lives each day as we journey forward, renewing our minds to what is true of us. Transforming us more and more into His image and likeness for the world to see. God's Grace is always more than enough to help us in our struggles with sin, strengthening us in our faith, showing us that He has everything we need in this life and journey today. Our true freedom and change comes through accepting His Grace, through His Son, Jesus Christ, and all that He has done to allow us to have that relationship again today.
So David prays, as a humble man, "May the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight." And to whom does he make that request? " O Lord, My Rock, and My Redeemer."
These inner struggles are what make us alive today. These same struggles were shared by Jacob when he wrestled with God as in Genesis 32:28. Every God-believer is a God-struggler. Struggling with God is not a sign of unbelief or weak faith. It is a sign of an honest relationship, and even strong faith. Those who have no faith, have no need of grace, and no need to struggle with God. But all who have faith, struggle with God and the grace, and unmerited favor which He gives to us because of the imperfections we see in ourselves. Sometimes it is with a great ferocity, and other times it is a lesser intensity. He actually likes us to struggle with Him, because it always brings about change in our lives. Struggling with God shows that we take Him seriously to the Truth that He reveals to us in our lives each day as we journey forward, renewing our minds to what is true of us. Transforming us more and more into His image and likeness for the world to see. God's Grace is always more than enough to help us in our struggles with sin, strengthening us in our faith, showing us that He has everything we need in this life and journey today. Our true freedom and change comes through accepting His Grace, through His Son, Jesus Christ, and all that He has done to allow us to have that relationship again today.
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