.....There are 7 places that Jesus bled from according to the Bible. We know that the number 7 represents completion, or Divine Perfection. Let's take a look at them, and God's perfect work today.
1. Luke 22: 42 - He sweat great drops of blood, in the Garden of Gethsemane. Taking on the pressures of Life in the world, and accepting God's will for His Life.
2. Mathew 27: 26 - He bled when He was scourged, whipped, and beaten, for our sickness and disease. See also Isaiah 53: 4-5
3. Mathew 27: 29 - He bled when they placed a crown of thorns upon Him, taking upon Himself our chastisement, and leaving us His peace, the peace that surpasses all understanding.
4. Mathew 27: 30 - He bled from His face being beaten till He was unrecognizable, so that we may have His countenance, and be recognized by God.
5. His hands at the Crucifixion, to reach us and others from the Cross.
6. His feet at the Crucifixion, so that we may walk free.
7. John 19: 34 - His side, blood and water, from a bursting heart, taking our broken heart, and giving us a pure heart.
.....All of this was done to reestablish our relationship and right standing with God, restoring our authority and dominion on this Earth, (Full Restoration), from which we were originally created to have, and lost through the force of sin being unleashed. Jesus Christ was and is God's perfect solution to all our problems. He was the Lamb slain before the Foundation of the World.
Let us give Him Thanks and Praise today.
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