.....Paul says to look toward the things unseen. His possessions were to get to know God, and find his purpose in life. He was referring to Relationship. A union secured by Faith, in a gift, given by God, according to His Promise, as stated in Romans 4: 13 and Romans 5: 17, "A Promise of Righteousness," being in right standing with God, through Jesus Christ.
Faith puts our trust in God and not in ourselves.
.....An example of this is our Salvation. Our Faith began with Jesus, continues with Jesus, and shall end with Jesus, who is the Alpha, and Omega, the beginning, and the end, the first, and the last.
Faith comes by way of Revelation.
.....Faith initially was designed to respond to God according to "His Divine Will and Purpose" for our life. First, to come to Christ, and second, for completing His Will in our life, establishing the order of God here on this Earth. Revelation of the Truth in us from the Holy Spirit, will always change the natural. Filling us with the fullness of God, taking us, and changing us from Glory to Glory, Ephesians 3: 17-19.
.....God wants us to live out His dream. And that is why He gives us, His children, visions. Acts 2: 17, says that God gives old men dreams, and young ones visions. An example of this is in 1 Chronicles, Chapter 17 and Chapter 22, with David and his son, Solomon, concerning the building of the temple of God. And through the Mystery of Faith, we are to pursue that unseen place in the natural, and make it manifest for all to see on this Earth, bringing Glory to God, who gave us that vision.
.....Faith initially was designed to respond to God according to "His Divine Will and Purpose" for our life. First, to come to Christ, and second, for completing His Will in our life, establishing the order of God here on this Earth. Revelation of the Truth in us from the Holy Spirit, will always change the natural. Filling us with the fullness of God, taking us, and changing us from Glory to Glory, Ephesians 3: 17-19.
.....God wants us to live out His dream. And that is why He gives us, His children, visions. Acts 2: 17, says that God gives old men dreams, and young ones visions. An example of this is in 1 Chronicles, Chapter 17 and Chapter 22, with David and his son, Solomon, concerning the building of the temple of God. And through the Mystery of Faith, we are to pursue that unseen place in the natural, and make it manifest for all to see on this Earth, bringing Glory to God, who gave us that vision.
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