Letter of Inquiry
To My Brothers and Sisters In Christ:
.....My name is Pastor Ed Hajj, and I am writing to you on behalf of the Board of Directors for Freedom In Christ Ministries, Inc. A 501 (c) (3), Internal Revenue Services - recognized Faith-based nonprofit corporation, in Rockford, Michigan. Our ministry was formed in 2002, for the purpose of providing a solution, (A Christian Discipleship Program) to address the problems of society concerning drugs, alcohol, crime, prostitution, depression, homelessness, and poverty. To date the ministry has taken the time to develop from the gathering of research and collection of data over the years to create a new and innovative way to deal with these issues. This Faith-based ministry has gone to great lengths to assess the project, mission, and goals of addressing life-controlling issues. Also, a forward an exciting way to reach out to our community at-large through our services. Our ultimate goal is to create more of these programs using this one as the model by which to impact the Nation and the World.
.....This letter invites you to have an impact and partnership in helping your community, and a personal stake in many lives being changed, forever. Our ministry is seeking your help in the way of being a stakeholder in Freedom In Christ Ministries future. Our board members would ask you to review our Blog-site and Ministry Website, and prayerfully consider partnering with our Ministry, and adopting this Ministry as a Home Mission's Project, enabling our mission and vision to continue as a Blessing to those in need. We have applied for Federal grant money in January of 2009 and are currently looking for other Churches, Ministries, and Businesses to partner with. We believe in networking organizations, and would like you to consider this opportunity with our Faith-based Ministry. We ask you and your organization, for your consideration of donating a monthly monetary amount, Planting a Seed, between $50 - $250, that would help out the many aspects of this Christian Discipleship Program. And in return, we would like to offer you a link for free advertising as a Supporter or Partner on our Blog-site that is seen and followed by many throughout our community and the world. We would also like to offer our services to you from our Vocational Training Program, and Outreach Program, should a need ever arise for you concerning any type of construction or remodeling in your organization. Our Ministry would love to help. Your organization can and will play an important part in the function of this Ministry, changing many lives, today, and in the future. So we ask you to please sew a seed in furthering God's Kingdom, and in the lives of all the people that will come into contact with this Ministry.
.....I thank you in advance for taking the time and reviewing our proposal. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Please contact me with any questions or ideas you have. I am personally free to meet with you or your organization to share the vision, or bring a word to your organization, speaking before them, sharing the Wisdom, Revelation, and Knowledge of God through Christ Jesus, should you allow it. Again, I thank you for your consideration in becoming a financial partner with us. If you're unable to become a financial partner at this time, would you be willing to provide us with any other potential funders? Your assistance will be greatly appreciated. Feel free to continue to visit and be ministered to from our blog-site and website at:
Best regards and may peace always be with you.
God Bless,
Pastor Edward R. Hajj
Ambassador for Christ
Executive Director – Freedom In Christ Ministries, Inc.
6615 Courtland Dr. NE
Rockford, Mi. 49341
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